We hope you'll enjoy our year end newsletter with some of our favorite stories from this year. Please take a moment to click through to our Breathing Room page where you'll find our year end update.
I believe we all want, or perhaps need, some breathing room in our lives. For some, breathing room is a few days off work to enjoy time with our family. For many others, it's having a bit of financial cushion in case times get tough. Or maybe it's as simple as having a few friends you can count on. Breathing room helps bring a sense of calm and stability when the world around us suddenly applies unexpected pressure.
If you know ICM, then you know that our ministry is all about making breathing room for families. We can't wait for you to read more about what that looked like this year!
I'm both humbled and excited to invite you to give the precious gift of breathing room to families. Thank you for praying and considering a year end gift to ICM. Every gift helps us reach families in crisis with a deeply tangible expression of the love of Christ in these difficult times.
Merry Christmas,
Nadia Berger, LCSW
Executive Director
1. Praise God for the generosity of so many who gave presents, gift cards and financial gifts to the Christmas for Family Care campaign last month! We'll pass these carefully selected gifts on to parents, who will have the joy of sharing them with their families!
2. Ask the Lord to provide abundantly for the financial needs of ICM as we finish out the year.
3. Continued prayers for families who are without employment, suitable housing, or safe childcare options through the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
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